Welcome to ByShi, Art by Shiloh!

ATTENTION!!! Shiloh's blog has moved to http://byshi.hogfish.net/blog - please visit this link to see new posts!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Whimsical Owl

'Whimsical Owl'
Line drawing
copyright 2012 by Shiloh Moore

Green 'Whimsical Owl' card and Keyring

Pop Art style 'Whimsical Owl'

...and for Christmas, a Whimsical Owl in a Christmas scene drawn with metallic pens

Friday, October 5, 2012


copyright 2012 by Shiloh Moore
completed 3/10/12
12x16" Mixed Media on Canvas

I love dogs and I have two special friends who super love Daschunds, so I did this with them in mind.  They are a particularly cute breed!  

I did this in a similar style to 'Spiralbird' (August 2012) and 'SpiralKittyLove' (Sept 2012,) using acrylics and pen and Alison Ellis Design papers.  I think this will complete the series.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Namaste Girl

'Namaste Girl'
copyright 2012 by Shiloh Moore
4"x6" Watercolour and Pitt Pen on Paper

I have been fascinated by the Indian greeting 'Namaste'.  I love the meaning I once read of 'The divine in me acknowledges the divine in you' as a greeting on meeting or parting.  

I also love drawings and paintings of girls, so I was doodling and came up with this one.  She greets you with respect, with love from her heart.